Building a Foundation of Wellness with The Fit and Food Connection PILATES RESISTANCE TRAINING

01/23/2022 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM CT


St. Peter's Church
1425 Stein Rd
Ferguson, MO 63135


The second class in our series will use Pilates to condition and strengthen the muscles.


The series will offer classes focused on developing a foundation for wellness by addressing the physical, mental and nutritional aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Each week participants will experience at least 30 – 50 minutes of physical exercise. Some classes will include cardiovascular movements to burn calories, other classes will focus on strength movements to build lean muscles mass, another class will focus on stretching exercises to improve flexibility, then there will be a class that includes all three. Each class will end with a motivational minute where the instructor gives tips on goal setting and small steps they can take each week to stay focused on the goal.  Our wellness hour will include movement and nutrition education.

    • JAN 16, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 1: Cardio Concepts Class. Motivation Minute: Goal for the week and one habit you can do each day to stay focused on goal.
    • JAN 23, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 2: Pilates Based Resistance Training. Motivation Minute: What helped you stay focused on your goal?
    • JAN 30, 2:00pm - 3:00pm: Fit and Food Wellness Hour: Movement and Nutrition Education
    • FEB 6, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 3: Beginner Yoga class. Motivation or Mindful Minute
    • FEB 13, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 4: Breathwork and Meditation. Motivation or Mindful Minute: Tools to deal with stress, stay focused and achieve goals.
    • FEB 20, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 5: Metabolic movement. Finding the balance between cardio and strength that will jump start the metabolism to burn calories and lose weight.
    • FEB 27, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Week 6: Fit and Food Wellness Hour: Education and Movement * Fact vs Myth about Fitness and Nutrition

The second class in our series is Pilates based Resistance Training that develops strong muscles to increase the metabolism to burn more calories and lose weight! Join us IN PERSON at St Peter's Church 1425 Stein Rd Ferguson MO or VIRTUALLY using the zoom link you receive once you register!